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Need-based Scholarship and King Sejong the Great Scholarship 학자금 보조 장학금 및 세종대왕 장학금

KLCEI is currently offering two types of scholarships, i.e., the Need-based Scholarship and the King Sejong the Great Scholarship.  Please find the details below.  우리한국학교는 현재 두가지의 장학금 (학자금 보조 장학금과 세종대왕 장학금) 을 제공하고 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 다음을 참고하십시오.

1. The Need-based Scholarship 학자금 보조 장학금

We are pleased to announce that need-based scholarships are available for students registering for KLCEI to learn Korean language and culture.  To apply, please submit the following items to the KLCEI Board President

한국어와 한국 문화를 배우고 싶어하는 도움이 필요한 학생들에게 학자금 보조 장학금이 제공됨을 알려드립니다. 장학금 신청은 해당되는 학기와 아래의 정보들을 코네티컷 우리한국학교 이사장 께 제출해 주시기 바랍니다.

1) A completed registration form. 제출된 등록서

2) A copy of one of the followings: 다음중 한가지 서류Your family’s most recent IRS 1040 Form, proof of Husky/Medicaid Insurance, or student's acceptance letter to a subsidized school lunch program (free/reduced lunch) 가족 IRS 1040 form, 허스키/메디케이드 보험의 증거 또는 보조 학교 점심 프로그램에 대한 학생의 합격 통지서(무료/감축 점심)

3) A letter from a parent, if the student is 16 years old and under, or a letter from the student if the student is older than 16 years old. This letter should be about 200-250 words, describing why you or your child would like to participate in the KLCEI program.  In addition, explain your family’s needs and any extenuating circumstances that would help us to evaluate and award the scholarship based on your financial hardship.  학생이 16세 미만일 경우 부모님의 편지/글, 또는 학생이 16세 이상일 경우 학생이 보낸 편지; 이 편지는 200-250단어로, 왜 자녀가 혹은 본인이 코네티컷 우리한국학교 프로그램에 참여하기를 원하는지 설명해야 합니다.  또한, 귀하의 경제적 어려움을 기준으로 장학금을 평가하고 수여하는 데 도움이 될 수 있는 귀하의 가족의 요구와 부득이한 상황에 대해 설명해 주십시오.

4) Two recommendations from a teacher, mentor, coach or employer(co-worker).  추천서 2장 - 교사, 멘토, 코치 또는 고용주(동료)의 두 가지 권장 사항.

2. The King Sejong the Great Scholarship 세종대왕 장학금

Who is King Sejong the Great?

King Sejong the Great was the fourth monarch of the Korean Joseon dynasty. He contributed to Korean history with his vision and introduction of Hangul, the native phonetic writing system for the Korean language, in 1443.


To promote the Korean language and culture by contributing to the development of students who speak more than two languages.



1) The scholarship is open to all high school seniors and individuals beyond that level who are residents of Connecticut or whose school is in CT.

2) Applicants must currently be enrolled in an educational institution, whether it's a high school, a 2- or 4-year college, or a vocational school.

3) Candidates should be proficient in a language other than English.

4) Applicants are expected to demonstrate exceptional character and leadership qualities.

Selection Process 

All applications will be reviewed by the Board of KLCEI. Finalists will be selected for interviews with the Board of KLCEI. 

Amount of Scholarship  

1) Scholarship for the KLCEI Tuition for one semester (It is recommended to enroll in the KLCEI, but the recipients do not have to) AND,

2) $1,000 per recipient: The scholarship will be sent directly to the institution where the recipient(s) is currently enrolled or will enroll.

3) 1 or 2 recipient(s) per year.

The Application Due

This scholarship is rolling and based on the available funds.

Documents to submit 

1) A personal statement (ca. 400 words) that includes: 

  • Why I applied for the King Sejong Scholarship.  
  • How this scholarship can help further education.  
  • How learning(speaking) another language impacted me. 

2) A resume 

3) Two recommendations from a teacher, professor, mentor or supervisor at work.  

4) Official Transcript (Note: copies can be accepted. However, once invited for an interview, an official transcript must be provided.) 

How to Apply 

All documents, including recommendations, must be emailed to the President of the KLCEI Board at

For more information, please contact the President of the Board.

  • PVSA