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우리한국학교는 코네티컷주 하트포드에 위치한 트리니티 대학 캠퍼스의 Life Science Center 건물에서 보통 ​9월부터 4월까지 정해진 토요일마다 한글/역사/문화 수업을 하고 있습니다.  만 4세 어린이 (Pre-School) 부터 성인까지 참여할 수 있는 반이 있습니다.

​질문이나 궁금한 사항은 교장 이지연 로 문의해 주십시오.

KLCEI aims to be the premier Korean language and cultural center in Hartford, Connecticut.  We host Saturday language classes for children and adults. We strive to be a center for anyone wanting to learn more about Korea’s language, history, culture, heritage, and people.

KLCEI hosts language and culture classes that typically run from September through April through two semesters.  We have various classes to accommodate children from age 4 through adults for beginner/intermediate courses.

Each semester runs for 13 classes/sessions.  In general, the fall semester starts on the first Saturday after the Labor Day in September and the spring semester on the first Saturday after the New Year's Day in January.

​Please contact Principal, Jiyon Scudder at with any questions.  

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